
Web 2 Presentation Devices

Page history last edited by Laura Stemler 14 years, 2 months ago

Listed here are a few tools you can use to create your presentation or entry.


For students working on National History Day projects...

This is a link to the entry page of the National History Day website which explains what types of entries you can create and can help you with your own project presentation. 

Creating an Entry for National History Day



Presentaiton Tools: 



Image from www.prezi.com

Requires email address

This tool is described as a zooming presentation.  Presentations are created by inserting text and uploading picture or video and then inserting where the presentation will zoom to next.  Images/text/video can be oriented to change the way the screen zooms.

Final Product:  Presentation

TutorialsPDF of How to Use PreziVideo Tutorial

Example: Battle of Ticonderoga, IE University (great example of using the zoom),



Windows Movie Maker

On all Library computers

Allows you to edit video and audio uploated to Windows Movie Maker.  You can cut sections of your movie, add audio, video effects, transitions between scenes, and credits.

Final Product:  Movie, news report, commercial, interview, documentary

ExampleHistory Day Project:  Italian-Americans

Tutorials: PDF of TutorialVideo Tutorial (if you can access YouTube)

Accepted File Formats:  

Video files: .asf, .avi, .wmv

Movie files: MPEG1, .mpeg, .mpg, .m1v, .mp2

Audio files: .wav, .snd, .au, .aif, .aifc, .aiff

Windows Media files: .asf, .wm, .wma, .wmv

Still images: .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif, .gif

MP3 format audio: .mp3 



Image from http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

Download for free! (click the image to go to the website)

Requires microphone if recording audio

If a library computer does not have Audacity tell Mrs. Fullem and she will download it for you

Audacity allows you to record and edit audio files (mp3, wav, aiff).  You can delete portions of an audio file, put piecies of audio together, and change the volume, pitch and speed of the audio.  For a full list of what you can do with Audacity click here.

Final product:  Podcast, radio show, audio track for a video

TutorialWord Document of Tutorial,



Image from http://www.showbeyond.com/

Requires an email address 

This is an online slideshow creator that allows you to create picture or text slides and add audio.  Images can be uploaded from your computer or taken from the internet by inserting the image's url.  You are also able to crop images and edit their sizes.  Slideshows can be made public or private and we suggest you make them private, when made private slideshows can still be shared but only to the people you specify instead of the whole world.

Final Product:  Slideshow, presentation, narrated slideshow/presentation

Tutorial:  Quick How-To(website),

Example: The Civil War



Image from: http://pbworks.com/f/1263250913/official-pbworks-logo-cropped.png

Ask Mrs. Fullem and she will create a workspace for your project

This is a great tool if you are already using pbworks for collaborating with your group on your project because a lot of your information will already be on the wiki.  Use a wiki the way you would any other presentation slide creator (PowerPoint, Showbeyond, etc.) but instead of placing your information on slides you will be placing it on the wiki.  You can upload images and sometimes video, or use the Insert feature to embed the video in your wiki.  You can add multiple pages and link to those pages to navigate through your wiki presentation.

Final Product:  Presentation, wiki, website

Tutorials:  PBWorks User Manual

ExampleDabbleboard Presentation



Image from: http://www.vuvox.com/

Requires email address

In Vuvox you create a scrolling collage, where you can add frames to pictures or video, insert text, links, little popups when your mouse scrolls over an icon.  They provide you with a number of images to make your collage look more...interesting.  It offers an editing tool to cut out certain areas of an image so that image could act as a frame for a photo or text.

Tutorials: Tutorial from Vuvox FAQ

Example: The Atomic Bomb (a student's history project), One Week In Iraq (shows videos and links embedded)



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