
Standard 1-3 Reflection

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Standard 1.3 Access to information
Candidates support flexible and open access for the library media center and its services.  Candidates identify barriers to equitable access to resources and services.  Candidates facilitate access to information in print, nonprint, and electronic formats.  Candidates comply with and communicate the legal and ethical codes of the profession.




            Two artifacts from my ISTC 601 class, which fit this standard, are the Research Summary and Facility Design Project.  The research summary was a group project; we examined school library media centers in Florida and determined if certain aspects affected student achievement.  Some of the aspects the research evaluated were policies and procedure, collections, technology resources, and professional development.  Data was gathered on school’s test scores, demographic information, and information on librarian’s and media centers was gathered through surveys sent out to school librarians.  The results were not surprising as students had lower achievement in schools with smaller collections, resources, less technology, and where information literacy was not being taught.  We presented these studies to the class and one result found by another student was student achievement increased as the hours of operation of the library increased.  I will use these results and others in helping promote my own media center in the future.

            The second artifact is the Facility Design Project, where I worked with two other classmates in designing a library media center.  For the artifact we had to provide:  samples of programs, floor plan design, educational specifications, environmental design elements, accommodations for special learners, relocation and moving plans, and signage and displays.  We also had a short paragraph explaining the outcomes and responsibilities.  When creating this facility we made sure to keep the design ADA compliant which is explained under the accommodations for special learners section.  In creating the floor plan I used free software and it allowed me to view the plan in a three dimensional view and I would like to use that in the future when helping in the renovation of a media center.  I would also refer to the information found in creating this design to help me in any way when designing or renovating a media center.

            Analyzing and responding to Baltimore County’s Selection Policy helped me greatly throughout the program.  I have referred to the selection policy many times regarding not only the selection of materials but library policy and ethical issues.  For my part in analyzing the policy, I found that the policy lacked in organization and could have at least had a table of contents and proper format for headings.  Along with an analysis, was a chart indicating if some necessary aspects of a selection policy were included, incomplete, or not included.  This artifact meets a number of points within Standard 1.3 and I believe it will help me in the future in the selection of materials and any ethical issues that may arise.

            My practicum experience in my secondary placement allowed me to complete a number of lessons with students, long with managing the upkeep of the library.  One issue that I noticed the first day of my secondary placement was that the library was missing a few call numbers in the fiction and non-fiction areas.  While it did not seem like a terrible issue, I feel a few missing call numbers would limit access to materials for some students.  I quickly cut out, glued, and laminated replacement letters and made signs for the Playaways and the current Black-Eyed Susan nominees, as many students had difficulties finding those two items even when I pointed to the shelf with the items.  Another issue I was unable to address was the book return area.  There was a small sign for book returns and it sat on the circulation table facing one of the two entrances.  There was no way you could position that sign to be seen by the second entrance so students would often place books in the checkout area.  My idea was to hang a sign with three faces above the book return area so students could see it as they come into the library from either entrance.

            The use of the library in my secondary placement was extremely flexible.  Teachers would come in any time and sign up to use the library, discussing their plans with the media specialist as they did so.  The scheduling book to sign up was on the circulation desk, in a very visible area.  Teachers would bring the students in for a number of reasons.  Sometimes it was to complete an assignment on the computer with minimal help from the media specialist.  Other times the media specialist was explaining how to use print and non-print resources in completing an assignment or project and would need further involvement while using the resources in case students needed any help.

            I taught a few lessons on the use of library resources during my secondary placement.  One lesson involved using Destiny Quest to locate materials.  I showed the students how to locate materials, add a comment, and even rate the materials.  Students were also shown how to access their accounts to see what materials they had checked out and when they were due.  A few lessons taught students how to use the electronic databases, one of which was brand new so I needed to teach myself how to use it before the students.  I feel these lessons, the work with flexible scheduling, and the signage displays I created all fall within the 1.3 Standard within access and the use of electronic and print information.

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