
Site Visits

Page history last edited by Stemmy 14 years ago

Site Visit 1


Laura Stemler

ISTC 601.101


Field Observation:  Special Collection Visit

            The Enoch Pratt Free Library is the state library and has a number of resources available to patrons and librarians across the state.  The mission of Enoch Pratt is “to provide equal access to information and services that support, empower, and enrich all who pursue knowledge, education, cultural enrichment, and lifelong learning.”  (About the Library - Enoch Pratt Free Library, n.d.)

            Services provided by Enoch Pratt include how to guides, online classes, which range from learning how to use email to using Facebook.  Relating to administration, the services for specific libraries include training both online and in the library, and are available for professional development days.  Guides for teachers include show me guides (like pathfinders), subject guides (contain the best websites on subjects), how to guides for specific areas, and a primary source guide.  The State Library Resource Center website provides services specifically for public, school, and academic libraries.  Tours are available and would be of great service to librarians and educators so they will know what resources and services the library has to offer.  Certification courses are available for those training to work in the public library without a MLS.

            The Enoch Pratt Library has a number of policies, they are: rules of conduct, borrowing library materials, meeting rooms, internet use, gifts to the library, and materials selection.  Funding is provided by the state since it is the state library, the city, numerous donations, and grants.


About the Library - Enoch Pratt Free Library. (n.d.). Enoch Pratt Free Library - the public library of Baltimore City and the Maryland State Library Resource Center. Retrieved May 4, 2010, from http://www.prattlibrary.org/about/


Site Visit 2


Laura Stemler

ISTC 601.101


Field Observation:  Patterson Mill Middle/High School

            The library media center is rather new and has a very large collection.  There are two computer areas with projector screens.  An instructional area is located within the fiction section and it does not contain computers; the area does have a projector and LCD television.  These areas are open air allowing teachers to view students when they work within the stacks.  Individual study rooms are available; these rooms contain a computer, a television, and VCR and DVD player.  Movies, and excess or weeded books are kept in a room behind the office, this room also contains equipment for teachers to use such as laminators and a waxer for posters.

            Behind the office is a room for a portion of the servers.  Attached to the servers are a VCR and DVD player.  Teachers will request a video item from the classroom and the librarian will play it from this area.  All classrooms contain LCD televisions, which play the videos uploaded from this area.

Site Visit 3


Laura Stemler

ISTC 601.101


Field Observation:  Hereford Middle School Library



            Services offered by the media center are computer access, the accelerated reader program, and use of a Promethean board.

            The staff includes the library media specialist and a library assistant.  The media specialist is in charge of the major areas of the library such as the collection, buying books, developing lessons for teachers, collaboration, and educating teachers on new technologies.  The library assistant is responsible for making purchases of library materials and supplies, the audiovisual equipment, workroom equipment, displays, and pulling books teachers need for a class.  The library assistant is also responsible for arranging fieldtrips.

            Demographics of the area are predominantly Caucasian students, and most of the students are from middle to high socioeconomic areas.  There are no current collaborative projects underway.  Funding is provided by the county, book fairs, and the Graul’s Receipt fundraiser.

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