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Laura Stemler's Digital Portfolio




Summative Reflection                    Conceptual Map


AASL Standard 1:  Use of Information and Ideas.

School library media candidates encourage reading and lifelong learning by stimulating interests and fostering competencies in the effective use of ideas and information.  They apply a variety of strategies to ensure access to resources and information in a variety of formats to all members of the learning community.  Candidates promote ethical use of the school library media program and its services.


Standard 1.1 Efficient and ethical information-seeking behavior
Candidates model strategies to locate, evaluate and use information for specific purposes. Candidates identify and address student interests and motivations. Candidates interact with the learning community to access, communicate and interpret intellectual content. Candidates adhere to and communicate legal and ethical policies.


Standard 1-1 Reflection

Standard 1.2 Literacy and reading
Candidates are aware of major trends in reading material for children and youth.  Candidates select materials in multiple formats to address the needs and interests of diverse young readers and learners.  Candidates use a variety of strategies to promote leisure reading. They model their personal enjoyment of reading in order to promote the habits of creative expression and lifelong reading.


Standard 1-2 Reflection

Standard 1.3 Access to information
Candidates support flexible and open access for the library media center and its services. Candidates identify barriers to equitable access to resources and services. Candidates facilitate access to information in print, nonprint, and electronic formats. Candidates comply with and communicate the legal and ethical codes of the profession. 


Standard 1-3 Reflection

Standard 1.4 Stimulating Learning Environment
Candidates demonstrate ways to establish and maintain a positive educational climate in the library media center.  Candidates identify relationships among facilities, programs, and environment that impact student learning.  Candidates plan and organize library media centers according to their use by the learning community


Standard 1-4 Reflection


AASL Standard 2:  Teaching and Learning.

School library media candidates model and promote collaborative planning with classroom teachers in order to teach concepts and skills of information processes integrated with classroom content.  They partner with other education professionals to develop and deliver an integrated information skills curriculum. Candidates design and implement instruction that engages the student’s interests, passions, and needs which drive their learning.


Standard 2.1 Knowledge of learners and learning
Candidates design library media instruction that assesses learner interests, needs, instructional methodologies, and information processes to assure that each is integral to information skills instruction.  Candidates support the learning of all students and other members of the learning community, including those with diverse learning styles, abilities and needs.  Information skills instruction is based on student interests and learning needs and is linked to student achievement.


Standard 2-1 Reflection
Standard 2.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher
Candidates work with classroom teachers to co-plan, co-teach, and co-assess information skills instruction.  The library media specialist as teacher of information skills makes use of a variety of instructional strategies and assessment tools.  Candidates analyze the role of student interest and motivation in instructional design.  Student learning experiences are created, implemented and evaluated in partnership with teachers and other educators.
Artifacts: Standard 2-2 Reflection

Standard 2.3 Information literacy curriculum

Candidates employ strategies to integrate the information literacy curriculum with content curriculum.  Candidates incorporate technology to promote efficient and equitable access to information beyond print resources.  Candidates assist students to use technology to access, analyze, and present information.


Standard 2-3 Reflection


AASL Standard 3:  Collaboration and Leadership.

School library media candidates provide leadership and establish connections with the greater library and education community to create school library media programs that focus on candidates learning and achievement; encourage the personal and professional growth of teachers and other educators, and model the efficient and effective use of information and ideas.


Standard 3.1 Connection with library community
Candidates demonstrate the potential for establishing connections to other libraries and the larger library community for resource sharing, networking, and developing common policies and procedures.  Candidates articulate the role of their professional associations and journals in their own professional growth. 


 Standard 3-1 Reflection
Standard 3.2 Instructional partner
Candidates model, share, and promote ethical and legal principles of education and librarianship.  Candidates acknowledge the importance of participating on school and district committees and in faculty staff development opportunities.


  • ISTC 601 Ethical Policies, Article Review
  • ISTC 702 SIP Presentation
  • Practicum Secondary
 Standard 3-2 Reflection
Standard 3.3 Educational leader
Candidates are able to articulate the relationship of the library media program with current educational trends and important issues.  Candidates recognize the role of other educational professionals and professional associations.  Candidates translate for the school the ways in which the library program can enhance school improvement efforts.  Candidates utilize information found in professional journals to improve library practice.



 Standard 3-3 Reflection


AASL Standard 4:  Managing information resources:  Selecting, Organizing, and Using Program Administration.

School library media candidates administer the library media program in order to support the mission of the school, and according to the principles of best practice in library science and program administration.


Standard 4.1 Managing information resources: Selecting, Organizing, Using
Candidates select, analyze, and evaluate print, nonprint and electronic resources using professional selection tools and evaluation criteria to develop a quality collection designed to meet diverse curricular and personal needs.  Candidates organize the library media facility and its collections – print, nonprint and electronic – according to standard accepted practice.  Candidates support intellectual freedom and privacy of users.  Candidates plan for efficient use of resources and technology to meet diverse user needs.



 Standard 4-1 Reflection

Standard 4.2 Managing program resources: Human, financial, physical
Candidates develop and evaluate policies and procedures that support the mission of the school and address specific needs of the library media program, such as collection development and maintenance, challenged materials and acceptable use policies.  Candidates apply accepted management principles and practices that relate to personnel, financial and operational issues.  Candidates plan adequate space for individuals, small groups and whole classes.



 Standard 4-2 Reflection

Standard 4.3 Comprehensive and collaborative strategic planning and assessment
Candidates collaborate with teachers and administrators to develop a library media program plan that aligns resources, services and information literacy standards with the school's goals and objectives.  Candidates use data for decision-making.


 Standard 4-3 Reflection




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